Nice to know

Where does energetic pollution derive from?

Energetic pollution fields are influenced by a variety of factors. They can be a result of underground watercourses, geological inconsistencies, geopathic zones, earth rays or electromagnetic fields.

Invisibly, like electricity from a plug, human beings and experiences leave their energetic marks. This energetic “waste” in rooms, caused for example by predecessors, owners or disagreeable business partners, can induce a negative influence subject to the energy structure of every individual.

Everybody knows the noise of a radio that has interference from a ringing cell phone? These frequency interferences cannot be seen but are accentuated on the radio.

Each individual has their own metabolism which is unique in its structure. This is the reason why the same surroundings can cause different effects on every human being. This may explain why one child of a family suffers from insomnia whilst his sibling sleeps very well in the same room. He is not affected by the underground watercourses which flow under the bedroom many metres below the surface.

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