Clients' Feedback

See for yourself

„We looked very much forward to moving into our new house. It was important for us that our new home was thoroughly cleansed from the negative waves from all the different craftsmen and builders who were at the building site during its construction. After the tune rooming, we experienced that we felt considerably more comfortable in our rooms.

When we were expecting a baby, Martina Golchert adjusted the baby’s bedroom and brought it to a higher energy level. Without me knowing the actual time of the tune rooming, I realized the change straight away. The room now seems positive to me and I feel an inner peace when I stay in there.“
S.A., Schmitten

Protection in my work space

„I was so happy: A new work space with a challenge that I have wished for, within a group of colleagues that were simply good fun. My anxieties came along with constant headaches and a consistent tiredness. How much better I felt after meeting Martina in that situation, who has assured me that my pains derived from the rooms I worked in and not from myself. Stagnation over years has left low energy levels that now affected me. Step by step, Martina has energetically designed my office in a way that protects me from negative energy flows.“

House cleansing

„After moving into my recently bought house, I felt that I regularly faced disharmonic aspects of the history of our house. Moreover, I discovered that there was a whole section I did not like to use, I even forgot it constantly during the cleaning and changing of sheets. For me it was obvious to ask Martina for her support. Unloved traces of my predecessors and of the past were removed with “Martina’s energetic broom” as I like to call it. The positive changes were noticed at once in the whole house – today it is much easier and much more “my own”. Changes throughout the house do not use as much energy as before. Also, the doors to my past “lost sector” are often open nowadays. it feels completely integrated, and we use it much more.

Tune rooming of a house

„In a second phase, Martina also has induced helpful energies in my house. She analysed my requests with great care and worked out what I really needed. In a gentle and steady process, various qualities were introduced that support me every day. I also realized that I now listen to my body’s signs much more, that I became more confident and calmer. I do not do everything any more, but what I do feels right, calm and free from any disturbances.“
S.ST., Wolfsburg
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